evaluation of exam piece.
The exam theme was covert and obscure which inspired me to look at keys because of the link to secrecy, things hidden behind closed doors and being concealed. I want to try to tie me design into a skateboard design because i find them fascinating because they use bright colours and their initial idea is rather obscure and weird. I am particularly inspired by the designs of 'Enjoy' and 'Girl' skateboards and drew upon a lot of the art work to help me map out my own ideas, I started by collating numerous images from the web as a source of inspiration. I then began my journey to create a logo and skateboard graphics. For my final piece I decided to use a method employed by Miles Donovan. For this technique I firstly sketched and inked the drawings, individually cut out each of the images and then sprayed the different layers on top of each other to create a multi layered effect. Once it dried I put it into photoshop and edited the colours and rearranged the images to be on top of each other to achieve the end result.
I also did a skateboard brand logo. Most of my research was done on the internet, for example pinterest was used to to look for ideas of how to draw the lock and or the keys for my final piece logo. I experimented with many different colours and the way I pieced the logo together until I was happy with the result.
Personally I am very impressed with my final pieces but I think i could have improved them by experimenting with more designs, techniques and other colours to broaden my experience. Through the course of the exam I gained more experience in photoshop and investigating what makes a good brand logo. I also learnt how to use the Miles Donovan technique which I really liked and i would use again in future pieces of work.
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